
Autonomous Screeps AI

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About KasamiBot

The releases of KasamiBot has been discontinued. It might be released in a new format in the future. Read about it here.

Last Release: Cake and grief counseling - version 1.0

KasamiBot Butterfly

What is Screeps?

Screeps is an open source MMO RTS game for programmers, where your mission is to code an AI. There is an official server hosted by the developers, and there are multiple open private servers. You can also run a server locally. To learn more, visit screeps.com or the steam page.

What is KasamiBot?

KasamiBot is a code base used by me (Kasami) on the public server, but customized for automation to be used as an opponent on private servers. It has a lot of features, and will be quite hard to compete with for new players, so you can customize the difficulty in the config.js-file. It allows you to set the bot as passive, meaning it will not attack your rooms; and slow, meaning it will use less of the advanced features included in the bot.

The bot is distributed as an minified version of the Typescript codebase I’m working on. This is not a community-driven codebase, but my personal screeps codebase.

I have also decided to include the full source code, available under the directory source on github. It is compiled from the original typescript, but is not uglified and should provide enough detail to understand what is going on and tweak it if you want to do that. I’ve also added a section in the documentation about how you can take manual control of the bot and use it as I do.

Can I use it on the public server?

Screeps is a game about programming your own AI. While I can’t stop you from using this code on the public server, I highly recommend developing your own AI instead. I have decided to release the source for the bot, so you can further develop it, tune it and use it as you want. If you have any questions about the bot or about the features, please post an issue on github, and I can either answer there or further develop the documentation.

Remember, there is no right way to program your screeps AI, so I recommend trying to come up with your own solutions. Over time you will find a lot of joy in figuring our clever things to implement.